Tuesday, July 17, 2012

In the beginning

They were such the cute couple. The met thru friends while they were in high school in the spirit of 76. She was to graduate that year and he was merely a sophomore at the young age of 16. They loved each other. They were married the following year on his birthday. It was like a story strait out of a fairy tale book for all anyone knew. She had married the man of her dreams and shortly became pregnant with their first child. But just like the real world most men loose that prince like charm and in this case he started being unfaithful And turned out to be more like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I remember stories my mother would tell me as a little child of how my daddy was mean to her, how he lied and tortured her, she claimed he would never keep a job and that she would loose jobs because he wouldn't allow her to go to work, that he controlled everything she did and if she were to cross him he would bring down the wrath. I grew up being told it was my fault that my dad had left my mother. She repeatedly told me that all he had wanted was a boy even to the fact that he bought a model train to give his son so that they may play together when he got a little older. But low an behold that son turned out to be a daughter. Mother claimed that he was in disgust to the point that he rather not even be around and then came my first birthday, she claims that was the day that I took my first steps and the day that she was so proud that she couldn't wait for my father to come home so that she could share the news in hopes that then he may grow to love me. But yet again she was faced with disappointment the day I took my first steps was the day my father came home with the news that he had joined the army and was leaving us both